It's easy being green

Entergy’s Green Select gives customers the power to match their electricity usage with clean, renewable energy.

Choose your plan
little boy planting a plant

Why Entergy Green Select?

Entergy Green Select is supporting interest in renewable energy though our commitment to the environment.


Sustainable friendly

Helps you meet environmental sustainability goals and support renewable energy resources


No commitments
No long term commitments. This is great for renters and customers who cannot install rooftop solar panels.


Up to 100%
You can enroll 25%, 50% and even 100% of your monthly energy usage to the program.

Get started today

How does it work?
With Entergy Green Select, customers choose a tier and pay a small amount over their regular bill every month. This keeps sustainable energy easy and affordable.

Entergy Green Select options allow customers to match some or all of their monthly electricity usage with RECs (Renewable Energy Credits) that are generated and/or purchased by Entergy Texas and retired on the customer’s behalf.


GPO Election
Rate (per KWh)
Tier 1:
$0.010 per kWh
Tier 2:
$0.0075 per kWh
Tier 3:
$0.0050 per kWh

For more information or to enroll, sign up on this site or call 1-800-ENTERGY (1-800-368-3749) to speak with a Customer Contact Representative.


Entergy Green Select will be Green-e® Energy certified to meet environmental and consumer-protection standards set forth by the nonprofit Center for Resource Solutions. Learn more at

Entergy Texas Green Select: Price, Terms, and Conditions

Entergy Texas Green Select - Prospective Product Content Label
Entergy Texas Green Select - Historical Product Content Label

Have a question?

For more information or to enroll, call 1-800-ENTERGY (1-800-368-3749) to speak with a Customer Contact Representative.
