Understanding Green-e® Certification

icon green-e

Company: Entergy Texas, LLC (a subsidiary of Entergy)

Entergy Texas Green Select Price, Terms, and Conditions

Whom should I contact for more information?

Email greenselecttexas@entergy.com or residential customers should call 1-800-ENTERGY and business customers should call 1-800-772-3654 or your managed account representative. https://renew.entergy.com

What is the contract length?

Month to month

Can I cancel my subscription?

Yes.  Service under the Entergy Texas Green Select program will be month-to-month and shall be automatically extended for successive periods of one month each until terminated by written notice given by either Entergy Texas or the participating customer not less than twenty-five (25) days prior to the requested date of termination.

Customers who withdraw from the Entergy Texas Green Select program will not be eligible for service under this tariff until the seventh (7th) billing month following such withdrawal.

Will my rates change over time?

On an annual basis, no later than October 1, Entergy Texas will file with the Public Utility Commission of Texas an updated rate for each tier to be effective with the first billing cycle of the following January billing month.  The tier rate is calculated to be the program costs (customer education and Green-e® certification costs) plus the fixed REC price (calculated as the most recent available 12-month average value using the S&P Global Renewable Entergy Credit Index for Texas RECs).  The updated tier rate will also include a true-up that compares the actual costs of the RECs purchased by Entergy Texas on behalf of participating customers to the revenues collected based on the fixed REC price used to develop the rates charged under the Texas Green Select program.

How much will Entergy Green Select cost? 

  • 25% Green: 1.14 cents per kWh premium applied to 25% of each month’s kWh electricity usage
  • 50% Green: 1.14 cents per kWh premium applied to 50% of each month’s kWh electricity usage
  • 100% Green: 1.14 cents per kWh premium applied to 100% of each month’s kWh electricity usage

What are the enrollment options?

Customer’s can choose to enroll in the 25%, 50% or 100% Green options.

What other fees might I be charged?

There are no additional fees associated with the Texas Green Select program.  All other applicable rate schedules or fees for service apply.

How will I be billed?

You will receive a monthly bill for Entergy Green Select within your monthly utility bill from Entergy Texas.